Summary of Simple Marked Text (MTX) Format Version 1.3 - 2/15/96 by Richard Rathe General Considerations Source file names have an .mtx extension. HTML file names have an .html extension. Files contain only ASCII characters (return, linefeed, tab, space to ~). Paragraphs are delimited by blank lines. Extra blank lines will be eliminated. Adjacent lines will be combined into a single paragraph. Lines indented with spaces or tabs will become an item in a list. Items marked by a "N" use Netscape HTML extensions. For maximum compatibility, avoid these tags. The %HOME, %PARENT, %PREV, %NEXT and table tags have changed since version 1.2. You may need to update older MTX files to be compatible. Special Tags %TITLE title text - title for HTML page N%TITLE $title text - title with centered heading %HEADING none - supress heading %HEADING heading text - heading different from title N%HEADING $heading text - centered heading %FILE file name - name for HTML file %IMAGES path name - path for image files %LOGO file name - title inline graphic (.gif) N%LOGO $file name - centered title graphic (.gif) %ICON file name - heading inline graphic (.gif) N%WATERMARK file name - watermark graphic (.gif) N%COLORS color list - background and text colors %HOME label text - label for home document %HOMEURL home url - URL for home document %HOMEURL none - no URL for home document %PARENT label text - label for parent document %PARENTURL parent url - URL for parent document %PARENTURL none - no URL for parent document %INDEX label text - label for index document %INDEXURL next url - URL for index document %INDEXURL none - no URL for index document %PREV label text - label for previous document %PREVURL prev url - URL for previous document %PREVURL none - no URL for previous document %NEXT label text - label for next document %NEXTURL next url - URL for next document %NEXTURL none - no URL for next document %BASE url path - path for relative URLs %PATH url path - path for document only %AUTHOR author text - author or copyright info %AUTHURL author url - URL for author or copyright %VERSION version text - document version info %VERSURL version url - document version info %OUTLINE none - no outline %OUTLINE long - long outline %LAYOUT cover - suppress administrative info %LAYOUT print - suppress navigation info %LAYOUT keyword - file contains a keyword list %LAYOUT noindex - suppress indexing of this file N%LAYOUT slide - presentation slide format N%REFRESH seconds - client pull refresh N%REFRESH seconds url - client pull refresh with link %COUNTER date url - counter date and cgi url %MTX version number - MTX format version %any other text - comment line (ignored) NOTE: Each document will have a short outline at the top unless otherwise specified. Links to email addresses will be prefixed with "mailto:" automatically. Default "Home," "Parent," "Previous," and "Next" labels will be used if not otherwise specified. Heading Tags (must occur at the beginning of line) #heading text - primary outline heading ##heading text - secondary outline heading ###... - up to ##### (5) levels deep N#$heading text - centered heading #text#url name - heading link to url outside document #text#=anchor name - use heading as named anchor NOTE: Any text that precedes the first #heading will appear just after the title and before the outline. Embedded Tags (can occur anywhere) {BR} - line break {P} - paragraph break {SP} - non-breaking space {*the text*} - strong (bold) text {!the text!} - emphasized (italics) text {@the text@} - fixed font text {=file name=} - inline graphic (.gif) {+file name+} - inline (.gif) with linked (.jpg) graphic {-file name-} - inline (.gif) with linked (.gif) graphic {#file name#} - inline (.gif) with linked (.html) file {#url name##} - link to quoted url {#the text#url name#} - link to url {#the text#anchor name#} - link to named anchor {#the text#=anchor name#} - create named anchor N{=file name alignment=} - floating graphic (.gif) N{+file name alignment+} - floating graphic (.gif+.jpg) N{CLEAR} - clear floating graphic alignment NOTE: File extensions (.gif, .jpg and .html) are automatically added to file names. Linked .gif files have an "L" added to the name (pictureL.gif). Anchor names are case sensitive (#name <> #NAME). Links to email addresses will be prefixed with "mailto:" automatically. Graphic alignment may be either "left" or "right." Floating graphic alignment must be cleared using {CLEAR}. List Tags (must occur after leading white space) text - bulleted list item #text - numbered list item (1, 2, 3...) N@text - lettered list item (a, b, c...) N!text - roman numbered list item (I, II, III...) +text - glossary list title item (bold) -text - glossary list definition NOTE: Lists may be nested by using variable amounts of leading white space. Format Tags (must occur at the beginning of line) 'text - block quote N''text - pull quote =text - preformatted text N$text - centered text ----- - horizontal rule (one or more dashes) Question Tags (must occur at the beginning of line) ?x - begin question (simple feedback) ?xyz - begin question (multiple correct answers) ?x? - begin question (extended feedback) ?x?text - begin question (custom extended feedback) question text - question text @answer text - answer text feedback text - indented at least one space NOTE: Questions may have up to 26 (A-Z) answer choices. Inline graphics may be used as part of any question, answer, or feedback element. Tables (each line must begin with "|") (N) The first line must be one of the following: |caption text - caption text |none - no caption |caption|noborder - caption for table with no border |caption|nowide - caption for minimal width table |caption|nowideborder - caption with both of the above |caption|noblanks - caption for table with no blanks Subsequent lines can be variations of the following: |text 1|text 2|text 3 - row with three cells |text 1||text 3 - use empty cells where needed |text 1|two |text 3 - cells may be padded with spaces |text 1|* |text 3 - non-blank empty cell use "*" |*col 1|*col 2|*col 3 - column headings begin with "*" |*row 1|text 1|text 2 - row headings begin with "*" NOTE: Each line becomes one row in the table. Cells may contain graphics or hypertext links. Use {BR} to force word wrap within a cell. By default, tables will have borders, blanks for empty cells, and resize to cover 95% of the window side to side.